Thursday, December 9, 2010

David B. Silipigno Foundation Provides Deprived Children With Proper Opportunities For Learning

David B. Silipigno Foundation is a well known welfare foundation which is committed to working for the welfare of the society. The foundation specially works to help the poor and deprived children. The foundation is working day and night to enhance the lives of underprivileged children living in Saratoga County and the outlying communities. The organization aims to give emotional and social support along with positive growing environment to the poor and deprived children. David B. Silipigno Foundation is one of the most reputed foundations of Saratoga. It supports several community based organizations which work to help the at-risk children of the society. The foundation also closely works with many reputed organizations like Arthritis Foundation, Catholic Charities, Saratoga Center for Family, Mental Health Foundation, YMCA of Saratoga etc.

The founder of David B. Silipigno Foundation, David Silipigno is a great philanthropist who believes in helping the poor and deprived people to make the society a better place to live in. Apart from being a reputed humanitarian David Silipigno is also a very successful entrepreneur. He ventured into his first business at the young age of 19 years. His hard work and dedication made his first venture a very successful one. While he was in his mid 20s, he had more than 600 employees working for him. His first company was National Finance Corporation (NFC) which was based on call center dealings. The organization opened the doors of vast opportunities for the youth of Saratoga. After the success of his first venture David Silipigno ventured into many other businesses. David was the founder and/or lead consultant of five different companies which are Principal Commercial, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Venture Capital, First Guarantee Mortgage and Saratoga Studios. He also co-produced a movie called 'The Skeptic' through Saratoga Studios which was released in New York in May 2009. For more details about David Silipigno and its achievements, please browse through

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