Thursday, September 16, 2010

David B. Silipigno Foundation Providing A Better Future To Underprivileged Children

Whether a society is rich or poor, it needs humanitarians to help the people from underprivileged sections. David Silipigno, the founder of David B. Silipigno Foundation, is one such humanitarian based in Saratoga County. He has been helping in uplifting the weaker sections of the society through his constant efforts.

David Silipigno started his career early at the age of just 19. His first venture, NFC (National Finance Corp), was a huge success. By the age of 20, David had a successful business and about 600 employees working for him. David's company provided numerous employment opportunities to the youth of Saratoga County.

David Silipigno has also been teaching mortgage since past 18 years and has founded five business areas that include First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Studios, Saratoga Venture Capital, and The Principal Commercial. He founded the David B. Silipigno Foundation to enhance the lives of poor children by providing them opportunities to study and live a better life. This foundation works closely to help the underprivileged children and gives them a positive environment full of hope

One of his dreams is to build an ongoing financial support structure to help those who are capable of brining a change to the world. The children who are at risk of facing hardships and are emotionally suppressed are encouraged and helped by the experts of this foundation by giving them an emotional and social support. For his exceptional achievements through David B. Silipigno Foundation, he has been honored with many life time achievement awards. On March 07, 2009, he was awarded 'The Spirit of Service' by the Arthritis Foundation. To know more about his ventures and establishments, please browse through

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